Thursday, December 31, 2009

Rumination Resources

Depressive Rumination is a comprehensive resource on the process of rumination in depression. Edited by Costas Papageorgiou and Adrian Wells, leading researchers in this field outline the nature, effects, measurement and treatment of rumination.

Chapters include:

Nature, functions and beliefs about depressive rumination (Papageorgiou & Wells)

The consequences of dysphoric rumination (Lyubomirsky and Tkach)

Reactive rumination: Outcomes, mechanisms and developmental antecedents (Spasojevic, Alloy, Abramson, MacCoon, & Robinson)

Mental control and depressive rumination (Wenzlaff)

Physiological aspects of depressive rumination (Siegle & Thayer)

The Response Styles Theory (Nolen-Hoeksema)

Rumination, depression and metacognition in the S-REF model (Matthews & Wells)

Rumination as a function of goal progress, stop rules and cerebral lateralization (Martin, Shirara, & Startup)

A comparison and appraisal of theories of rumination (Brotman & DeRubeis)

Measurement of depressive rumination and associated constructs (Luminet)

Psychological treatment of rumination (Purdon)

Cognitive therapy for depressive thinking (McMillan & Fisher)

Metacognitive therapy for depressive rumination (Wells & Papageorgiou)

Essential reading for anyone interested in rumination.

Paperback: 296 pages
Publisher: Wiley (December 2, 2003)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0471486930
ISBN-13: 978-0471486930

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